GED Test Tips: Cause and Effect

The concept of cause and effect is very simple and clearly understood: described as the relationship between two events when one event causes the other one to occur. So the cause is the first event that happens, and as a result, the effect is what follows. To simply put them into perspectives:

            a ‘cause’ answers the questions: How or why did it happen?

            an ‘effect’ answers the question: What happened?

In the GED test, you will see cause and effect in two subjects: Reasoning Through Language and Arts (RLA) and Social Studies. Frequently, questions will ask you to find out the relationships between different events. It is important to remember that one event can cause multiple effects. Inversely, multiple causes can give rise to one effect.

Here is an example of a cause and effect.

Unique to today’s global warming are the sources of heat-trapping gases and rates of change. Millions of years ago, heat-trapping gases were released due to a natural event. Huge eruptions that forced carbon out of rocks were followed by warming oceans that freed methane gas from ocean floor deposits. However, most modern carbon emissions come from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) for transportation and industry, and from certain chemical reactions (such as making cement) to create a greenhouse effect. Human-caused carbon emissions are setting the atmospheric stage for current and future warming.

Cause and effect are part of our everyday life. Learn more examples such as this at

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